Oh what a night!

Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went to…Manchester!

Tower FM

Do you know the lyrics to every song ever written?  Are you a singing enthusiast?  Why not test your knowledge by listening to the Tower FM morning show where boys and girls from different schools all over Bolton will READ lyrics from famous songs.  You have to decide which songs they were from and ring in with the answer. St Bede pupils will be the readers all week starting from Monday 30th January.  Listen between 8 and half past each day for the chance to win a prize.  Good Luck everyone!

Laila and the Brand New Bombastic Brass Beginners.

Mr Hobson and myself have just invited some boys and girls from year 4 to join the Bede Bombastic Brass Beginners. They must now prove that they have what it takes to be the best. Our three words of advise are these; practise, practise, practise. You can never do too much and you will only ever be as good as the effort that YOU put in. Here is a promising start from Laila who has been exploring the range of pitches that can be made on the trombone. Why not see how long you can play one note for like we did with the recorders. Can you last for more that 10 seconds?