Brass lessons

If you are in the school brass band then you need to remember that your lessons will be held in the back of the green room each Friday afternoon in term time.  Make sure you are practising frequently and fantastically and don’t forget to bring your instrument!


I thought you might like to have a go at this on a rainy day.




I’ve had a lot of people telling me about the SMULE music apps recently.  Whether it be the piano, karaoke or even the auto rap app, they sound like they are great fun and have educational value to boot. Check them out by clicking on the tile below.unnamed

Hello old friend.

It’s been a while since the music blog has been operational but I am glad to say that it is back with a bang, crash, wallop and to the tune of insruments galore.  I have, due to the amount of spam being received behind the scenes, had to remove the majority of registered users.  I apologise for any inconvenience caused by doing this and ask that if you wish to register that you follow the normal processes on the blog then also email me at so that I can see you are not a spambot: This should alleviate any of the problems we have had.

So without further ado, let me declare the blog reopened.


Garage Band

I have had so many enthusiastic Year 6 people asking me the name of the app that we have been using in class that I thought I should put a reminder up here on the blog.  The app is called Garage Band and is available to download from the app store.  Why not watch some youtube video tutorials so that you can really delve deeper into this mammoth app?  If you have any questions or need any help you can ask in school or even right here on our blog.  Happy banding guys!
